There's Something Fishy
About the Democratic Convention
Why Do Democrats
Reject God?
Amendments to 2012
Democratic Platform
Antonio Villaraigosa, Mayor of Los Angeles and the
Democratic Convention Chairman, attempted on September 5, 2012, in Charlotte,
North Carolina, to get the delegates to vote to adopt 2 amendments to the
Democratic 2012 Platform -- to include one reference to God and another to
Jerusalem. Adoption of amendments
require a two-thirds affirmative vote.
Hearing what sounded like a tie (for and against) vote, Mr. Villaraigosa
called for a second vote and then a third before declaring it adopted. The result was greeted with boos.
Listen to the vote on
both YouTube sites and determine if the vote really did achieve a two-thirds
adoption vote.
Amendment 1
Page 32, Line 48: We
need a government that stands up for the hopes, values, and interests of
working people, and gives everyone willing to work hard the chance to make the
most of their God-given potential.
Amendment 2
Page 63, Line 26: Jerusalem is and will remain the capital
of Israel. The parties have agreed that
Jerusalem is a matter for final status negotiations. It should remain an undivided city accessible
to people of all faiths.
questions come to mind:
1. Why were the
references to God and Jerusalem left out of the platform?
2. Why did Mr.
Villaraigosa declare the questionable vote in the affirmative?
3. Why is there such
hostility to God and Jerusalem in the Democratic Party?
In searching the
Republican Platform (Google it), 12 references to God appeared and
expressed traditional American attitudes about Him. Jerusalem appeared once and was viewed
as Israel’s capital.
to Reveal Why God and Jerusalem Were Left Out of the Platform
Bret Baier interviewed Senate Majority Whip, Dick Durban,
and asked, at least 7 times why God was taken out of the 2012 Democratic
Platform. Durbin not only refused to
answer the question, but he tried over and over again to shift the discussion
away from the controversy.
R. Rein – 9/6/12
This page is available at:
President Obama and The Creator
Why does President Obama leave out The Creator when he talks about "inalienable rights?"
One Nation Under Government
– Not Under God
What evidence is there indicating that President Obama may be hostile to Christianity, Judaism and people of faith? Phylis Schafly reveals some alarming facts about our president's attacks on Bible-believing people.
Destruction of a Nation
Read about the consequences of burdens placed upon the shoulders of citizens by their ruler and the parallels to today's U.S. government.
This was sent to President Obama and prominent national politicians in 2010.
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