Wednesday, August 12, 2009

They're Pushing for Less than a Full Flying Fish

How magnanimous -- Congress is backing off its request for spending over half a billion dollars for jet planes for jet trips for members of congress. Instead, it appears that congress is going to entertain the Pentagon's request for a mere $220 million.

(See The New York Times report at: .)

Call me naive, but isn't under a quarter of a billion dollars still a lot of money to spend so that our privileged members of congress and their spouses can fact-find and vacation around the world? It seems to me that the $220,000,000 could be put to better use in building shelters for citizens who have lost their homes. The Obama administration and the Congress haven't acted quickly enough save those folks from the toxic mortgage rates that are being imposed through ARM's.

What's wrong with expecting congress to use commercial transportation as Joe Biden did?

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